Eplucher, couper en lamelles les oignons 500 g
Eplucher l'ail 5 gousses
Thym, Laurier
Huile d'olive
faire revenir oignions, ail, thym, laurier
ajoute oignons, faire revenir,
saler, poivrer
puis cuire en surveillant, un peu d'eau peu être nécessaire
Peel, cut into strips 500g onions
Peel garlic cloves 5
Thym Laurier
Olive oil
sauté onions, garlic, thyme, bay leaf
add onion, cook,
salt and pepper
monitoring and cook a little bit of water need
more than 30 min are needed
then u can add cheeep cheese, but here I did'nt
then have hooven, if u want it to be more dry, in a tajin recipient
Mine are a little too cooked, but be sure children will like that, it's sweety tasting, red onions can be use too, they are more sugarred! a,d nice coloured